Do you


of a different life?

A life where you follow through with the promises you make to yourself. Of your inner dialogue being a cheerleader instead of a bully. Your language may be getting in your way.

Introducing Lisa Westgate

Lisa Westgate is a Rockstar Thought Leader 🤘🔥

Co-Creating Personal and Professional Solutions through Enlightening Conversations!

Over her decade-long entrepreneurial journey, Lisa has won multiple awards, is an Amazon best-selling author, and has been featured in print media, radio, and television.

Lisa has discovered that the truest way to cultivate health and happiness is to be unapologetically authentic and behave with unashamed integrity. Being 100% yourself and playing full out is how to succeed in life.

Lisa aids her clients in discovering who they are at their core and bringing their lives into alignment, authenticity, and integrity.

Four Simple Steps

Throughout this easy-to-consume mini-course, Lisa brings to your conscious awareness some words and phrases you may be using on autopilot.

Within a short timeframe (less than an hour), you will gain a new understanding of the power your words hold and receive suggestions of new, more resourceful language to 'swap in' to your vocabulary.

#1: Powerful Language

Where we look at why making simple changes to language creates powerful change in your mindset and your life.

#2: Words To Consider Letting Go

As important as it is to deliberate in the words we use, equally valuable is to be conscious about the words we decide NOT to use anymore or sparingly.

#3: Words To Adopt

These modules introduce (or re-introduce) you to empowering words and phrases, which when used consciously create powerful shifts in your life.

#4: Bonus Words and Next Steps

As a bonus for you, the course concludes with two more key words that you may reconsider how you are utilising.

The next steps module offers you some pathways for creating even more profound changes in your life!

An awakening and a new way of speaking to yourself

All in under an hour and for less than $100!

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